02 May Installation of acoustic ceiling without interruption of service
Restaurant of the port of Pully (Lausanne, Switzerland)
To improve the comfort of its customers, the restaurant of the port of Pully wished to install an acoustic stretch ceiling in its dining room of 160 m², without closing during the works.
The main difficulties were:
The need not to interrupt the activity of the restaurant;
The integration in the stretched ceiling of numerous pillars, lights, speakers and ventilation.
The stretch ceiling was achieved in 4 days. The team intervened on the closing day. The ceiling was cut into 4 zones which made the progress of the work invisible to the customers. There was no residual smell due to cold-tightening technology, and the installation did not generate dust and waste.
With 12cm diameter pillars, the tension profiles have been curved by hand for a perfect finish.
The installation of this acoustic stretch ceiling has met the expectations of the customer:
- No loss of turnover for the restaurant.
- The finishes are impeccable: surface tension, integration of pillars, lights and ventilation.
- Acoustic correction has halved the reverberation rate of sounds.
- A renovation in plaster-painting would have cost at least as much and entailed closing the restaurant for 2 weeks.